Elected Spiritual Leaders of our congregation

Session (governing body) members:

Elders: Sam Alvord, Darlene Saunders, Dennis Slattery, Cathy Gerbracht, Debbie Miller, Bruce Johnson, Elaine Morgan

Clerk of Session: Marcia Hunter


Parish Deacons: 

Deacons give personal care to our congregation, divided alphabetically into eight parish groups with a deacon serving each group.


Sharon Laskos        Abrahams - Carl

Paul Lewis             Claypool - Dryland

Denise Deneaux     Evans - Geisslinger, D. Wright

Pat Alvord              Gerbracht - Hunter

Kathy Sager           Johnson - MacLean

Sandra Slattery      Marsh - Morris, Williams

Cathy Carl             Sager - Street, Thornton

Trish Styer             Turner - Zhivostovsky, Taber


Elders moderating or participating on Session Committees:

     Buildings and Grounds - Brian Almquist, Sam Alvord, and Howdy Miller

     Work Teams and Campus Development – Sam Alvord

     Personnel – John Wren

     Finance – Dennis Slattery

     Vision, Peace, and Justice – Carolyn Johnson



Elders, Deacons, or congregational members leading and participating in the works of the church:

     Deacon Moderator – Sandra Slattery

     Lay Leader Co-ordinator – Darlene Saunders

     Treasurer – Jill Turner

     Safe Parking Program – Cathy Gerbracht, Jill Turner, and John Wren

     Audio/Visual Team – Jim Holloway, John Wren, Elaine Morgan

     General Assembly Commissioner – Paul Lewis

     Commission on Ministry – Presbytery South Commissioner – Debbie Miller

     Presbytery Trustee – Brian Almquist

     Winter Team – Jill Turner

     Ukraine Support Team – Carolyn Johnson and Kathy Sager

     Women's Book Club – Marcia Hunter

     Men's Book Club – David Hall